Marc & Lisa Lombard

co-creators of

Marc Lombard has a history of mission work, radio ministry, and youth evangelism. He preached his first sermon at the age of 14, and immediately felt the call to one day be a minister. Marc took a leave of absence from college in 1993 to pursue an opportunity to do mission work in the south Pacific for a year. Since his initial short term mission project, Marc has been to multiple countries doing various mission projects. His mission work has taken him to Romania, Egypt, Germany, Russia, and Latvia.
Upon returning to school, he dedicated himself to his degree in theology. Upon securing his Ministerial degree, he pastored for twenty-two years in South Texas, East Texas, Memphis Tennessee, and East Kentucky. It was while pastoring in Memphis that Marc suffered a major dissecting aneurysm that nearly killed him if it weren't for the divine intervention of God. Given less than 1% chance of survival, Marc underwent eight hours of surgery and was implanted with a mechanical aortic valve. Pastoring another four years, Marc felt the call to go into hospital chaplaincy. He studied four units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Texas Health Huguley in South Fort Worth, Texas. He is currently working as a hospice chaplain through Elara Caring in Cleburne, Texas.
Lisa Lombard has a rich background in Children's ministry. She has authored over ten Vacation Bible School and Junior Campmeeting programs. She has an incredible gift at explaining complex Bible truths in a simple way to where 10 to 12 year olds can fully understand.
Lisa has partnered with Marc in marriage and pre-marital counseling and has demonstrated a passion to empower women to be Christ-centered.
Lisa has been invited to multiple countries to speak to youth and young adults on various topics ranging from Bible Prophecy to family and relationships.
They have two adult sons, Josef and Nikolaus.